Only strings and arrays are splittalbe for XML input into logstash

trying to read in a simple XML document, and outputting it after splitting. However I get an error message "only strings and arrays are splittable"

input {
file {
path => "H:\logstash\zipped_folders\logstash-2.3.1\bin\data\xml_to_json"
start_position => "beginning"

filter {
xml {
source => "message"
target => "parsed"
split {
field => "[parsed][station]"
add_field => {

  id                  => "%{[parsed][station][id]}-%{[parsed][station][lastCommWithServer]}"
  stationName                => "%{[parsed][station][name]}"
  lastCommWithServer  => "%{[parsed][station][lastCommWithServer]}"
  lat                 => "%{[parsed][station][lat]}"
  long                => "%{[parsed][station][long]}"
  numBikes             => "%{[parsed][station][nbBikes]}"
  numEmptyDocks        => "%{[parsed][station][nbEmptyDocks]}"


output {
file {
codec => json
path => "H:\logstash\logstash_outputfiles\stack_trace_file1.json"

What does the event look like after the xml filter? Specifically, what does the [parsed][station] field that you're trying to split look like?