Optional fields in grok pattern are not working

Following are my log lines:

Timestamp: 27-05-2016 13:25:17
Message: Searched Customers for number : 123
InnerException: An error has occurred
StackTrace: An error has occurred
Machine: PQR

Timestamp: 27-05-2016 13:25:17
Message: Searching Customers for number : 123
Machine: PQR

Timestamp: 27-05-2016 13:25:17
Message: Searching Customers for number : 123
StackTrace: An error has occurred
Some exception has taken place
Machine: PQR

Fields like 'InnerException' and 'StackTrace' are optional in my log.
Following is the grok pattern which I have constructed, but its not working.
'InnerException' and 'Trace' are becoming part of 'Message' field, they are not getting created as separate fields, if present in log.


The extra patterns used are:
TITLE ^\sTitle:.+
IEXCEPTION ^\sInnerException:.+
MACHINE ^\s*Machine:.\S+

The multi-line filter applied is:

Negate the multi-line regex:

Can you please tell me, what is wrong in my grok pattern? And how 'InnerException' and 'Trace' will get created as separate fields, if present in log lines.

The problem is that .+ is greedy. If it can gobble up your optional InnerException and Trace captures it will. Perhaps you can try to match everything up to a newline character instead? I'm not sure \n works here, but if it does I'd expect

(?m)Timestamp: %{DATESTAMP:Timestamp}\nTitle: %{TITLE:ServiceTitle}\nMessage: %{MESSAGE:ServiceMessage}\n(InnerException: %{IEXCEPTION:InnerException}\n)?(StackTrace: %{TRACE:Trace}\n)?Machine: %{MACHINE:ServiceMachine}

to work.