Out of memory error while installing logstash-filter-elasticsearch plugin

I am installing logstash-filter-elasticsearch plugin using the command

bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-filter-elasticsearch

And during the installation getting below error

logstash-5.6.2\bin\logstash-plugin install logstash-filter-elasticsearch
Validating logstash-filter-elasticsearch
Installing logstash-filter-elasticsearch
Error: Your application used more memory than the safety cap of 500M.
Specify -J-Xmx####m to increase it (#### = cap size in MB).
Specify -w for full OutOfMemoryError stack trace

Okay - after digging a bit into the ruby scripts that are being used to install the plugin. I found out that we can reset the max memory by setting up LAVA_MEM environment variable. Below command will do it on windows platform.

SET JAVA_MEM="-Xmx1024m"

This seems to have helped with the memory issue but now I am getting another error.

Error Bundler::HTTPError, Network error whicle fetching https://rubygems.org/quick/Marshal.4.8/logstash-devutils-1.3.4-java.gemspec.rz

This is strange because I am quite sure that I have got internet working after setting the proxy using below command.

SET HTTPS_PROXY=https://proxyhost.com:1234

And I could actually download the mentioned resource using a browser and the proxy. Not sure why the bundler is failing to do so.

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