Output pretty formatted json of all event fields in mail

I'm want to send alert e-mails for certain log events and I want to print all event fields in e-mail body.

Bud I did not found way how to output them in pretty formatted json.

Currently i use this:

 filter {
   if "email" in [tags] {
     ruby  {
       init => "require 'json'"
       code => "event['@metadata']['json'] = JSON.pretty_generate(event)"
output {
  if "email" in [tags] {
    email {
      to => "sysadmin@growjob.com"
      subject => "[%{host}] Log %{type} alert"
      body => "%{[@metadata][json]}"

But even when i use pretty_generate output still looks like this:

{"message":" - - [27/May/2016:15:26:42 +0200] "GET /ccc HTTP/1.1" 404 162 "-" "curl/7.38.0" "localhost"","@version":"1","@timestamp":"2016-05-27T13:26:42.000Z","path":"/var/log/nginx/access.log","host":"test-router","type":"nginx-access","@original_message":" - - [27/May/2016:15:26:42 +0200] "GET /ccc HTTP/1.1" 404 162 "-" "curl/7.38.0" "localhost"","clientip":"","ident":"-","auth":"-","verb":"GET","request":"/ccc","httpversion":"1.1","response":404,"bytes":162,"referrer":"-","agent":""curl/7.38.0"","http_host":"localhost","name":"Other","os":"Other","os_name":"Other","device":"Other","url":"localhost/ccc","description":"Returned 500 from localhost/ccc","tags":["email"]}

Have you tried wrapping them in <pre></pre> tags?