Packetbeat Conundrum

I realized this a little bit ago. That we don't have our dev environment configured to talk on any ports accept what is needed for the internet. So it makes sense that packetbeat isn't working, but it does make sense that logstash can't talk to elasticsearch. I posted my yml file for that a little bit ago.

And when I did that ipconfig ens160 it couldn't find the NIC.

Is there anything else I can do?

Hi @theV0yager,

What is the current status of your problem? I'm getting a bit lost.

The last log you pasted if failing because the ens160 device does not exists.

Exiting: Sniffer main loop failed: Error starting sniffer: Error opening adapter: The system cannot find the device specified. (20) ~~~

Have you managed to configure Packetbeat with the right network device? In this situation Packetbeat is not even starting so I won't blame Logstash yet.

Unfortunately the network device that I want packetbeat to communicate with is not setup to receive that kind of information yet. So, while I wait for that to be configured I am setting up the cluster in its entirety.

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