Packetbeat "hanging" on high speed network


I've configured packetbeat on a machine with plenty resources (72GB RAM, 24 cores Intel Xeon X5670), and its listening on two 10gb interfaces, that combined are reaching about 1gbps during peak hours. On this same machine I'm running suricata. It and Packetbeat listening on the same interfaces. Suricata is currently using about 700% of CPU power and 5GB of RAM. Packetbeat tops at about 300% CPU and 4GB RAM.

But I'm seeing some events acumulating and probably some packet loses of packetbeat, as can been seen bellow:

On the machine I can see that it hangs from time to time, by following the journal (the machine is a RH 7.9 fully patched), as seen bellow.

    Jan 25 10:42:39 XXXXX packetbeat[4010]: 2021-01-25T10:42:39.135-0300        ERROR        [pgsql]        pgsql/parse.go:544        Pgsql invalid column_length=4294967295, buffer_length=62, i=3
    Jan 25 10:45:17 XXXXX packetbeat[4010]: 2021-01-25T10:45:17.673-0300        ERROR        [pgsql]        pgsql/parse.go:544        Pgsql invalid column_length=4294967295, buffer_length=172, i=8

For what I could see that vast majority of events come when the journal "stops". The packets never stop comming on the interfaces.
I've already tried stopping suricata, disabling flows, changing flow period (using the default 30s), changing the internal queue size, etc. But I'm always ending with this problem and a max of 10k events per second on this machine.

My ES cluster is very lightlly loaded (we have other sources arriving on it, and I've seen it reach about 70k primary events per second), I don't have any aditional pipelines running on these events. We have 3 master nodes, 4 ingest nodes and 10 data nodes.

Can you suggest what the problem may be or configuration that I can try? Thanks!

My packetbeat configuration is this:

  enabled: true
  period: -1s
  timeout: 30s
packetbeat.interfaces.device: any
packetbeat.interfaces.type: af_packet
packetbeat.interfaces.buffer_size_mb: 100
packetbeat.interfaces.with_vlan: true
max_procs: 256
packetbeat.ignore_outgoing: true
packetbeat.interfaces.auto_promisc_mode: true
packetbeat.interfaces.snaplen: 1514
- enabled: false
  type: icmp
- ports:
  - 5672
  type: amqp
- ports:
  - 9042
  type: cassandra
- ports:
  - 67
  - 68
  type: dhcpv4
- ports:
  - 53
  type: dns
- ports:
  - 80
  - 8080
  - 8000
  - 5000
  - 8002
  - 804
  type: http
- type: memcache
- ports:
  - 3306
  - 3307
  type: mysql
- ports:
  - 5432
  type: pgsql
- ports:
  - 6379
  type: redis
- ports:
  - 9090
  type: thrift
- ports:
  - 27017
  type: mongodb
- ports:
  - 2049
  type: nfs
- ports:
  - 443
  - 993
  - 995
  - 5223
  - 8443
  - 8883
  - 9243
  type: tls
setup.ilm.overwrite: false
  host: https://XXXXXXXXX:443
  ssl.verification_mode: certificate
  index.number_of_shards: 5
ssl.certificate_authorities: /etc/packetbeat/certs/XXXXXXXXX.pem
    bulk_max_size: 200
    compression_level: 0
    - https://XXXXXXXXX:9200
    - https://XXXXXXXXX:9200
    - https://XXXXXXXXX:9200
    - https://XXXXXXXXX:9200
    loadbalance: true
    password: XXXXXXXXX
    ssl.verification_mode: certificate
    username: XXXXXXXXX
    worker: 1
logging.level: "error"
    rotateeverybytes: 10485760
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