Packetbeat is not capturing process name for mysql client process configured to do so

I have packetbeat configured to listen to 3306 and for mysql client processes ( mysql -h my_host ... -e "my_query" ...). I see the Query. However, I don't see the corresponding client process information. I have this problem for any process that I try do to this with. mysqld on the mysql server, php-fpm on the web servers, php cli scripts that connect to mysql (ie php /path/to/my/php/app.php).

I'm running packet as root via cmdline -
/usr/share/packetbeat/bin/packetbeat -e -c /etc/packetbeat/packetbeat.yml

# /etc/packetbeat/packetbreat.yml:

packetbeat.interfaces.device: eth0
  ports: [3306]

  hosts: [ "my-redis_host:port" ]
  key: "packetbeat"
  datatype: "list"

  enabled: true
    - process: mysql
      cmdline_grep: mysql

this is what we see in logstash:

         "bytes_in" => 21,
        "bytes_out" => 1446,
        "client_ip" => "client_ip",
      "client_port" => 42482,
      "client_proc" => "",
    "client_server" => "",
        "direction" => "out",
               "ip" => "server_ip",
           "method" => "SHOW",
            "mysql" => {
        "affected_rows" => 0,
           "error_code" => 0,
        "error_message" => "",
            "insert_id" => 0,
              "iserror" => false,
           "num_fields" => 9,
             "num_rows" => 12
             "path" => ".",
             "port" => 3306,
             "proc" => "",
            "query" => "show processlist",
     "responsetime" => 0,
           "server" => "",
           "status" => "OK",

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