Parse rabbitmq json log

Hi, got json log message from rabbit as

{"timestamp":"2022-12-21 03:14:59.977922+02:00","level":"error","msg":"Error on AMQP connection <0.32551.1583>: enotconn (socket is not connected)","domain":"rabbitmq.connection","pid":"<0.32551.1583>"

JSONs are not parsed by default, i only got message field in ES, but I would like to extract 3 fields (actually 4)

*time as a timestamp in ISO8601 format, not this default RFC 3339 format
*loglevel as a text or keyword
*pid as a keyword without <> braces
*msg as a "message"

It should look in Kibana like this:

"time": "2022-12-21T02:14:59+01:00"
"level": "error"
"message": "Error on AMQP connection <0.32551.1583>: enotconn (socket is not connected)"
"pid": "0.32551.1583"

Tried to play with grok and json filters without luck converting timestamp from RFC 3339 to ISO8601, any input would be appreciated. Thanks.

What does your Logstash configuration file looks like?

If your json log looks like this:

{"timestamp":"2022-12-21 03:14:59.977922+02:00","level":"error","msg":"Error on AMQP connection <0.32551.1583>: enotconn (socket is not connected)","domain":"rabbitmq.connection","pid":"<0.32551.1583>"}

Then this filter will parse it:

filter {
    json {
        source => "message"
        remove_field => ["message"]
    mutate {
        gsub => ["pid","<>",""]
        rename => {
            "msg" => "message"
    date {
        match => ["timestamp","yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZZ"]
        target => "time"
        remove_field => ["timestamp"]

The gsub will remove the <> from your pid field, and the rename will rename msg into message.

The date filter will parse your date format into ISO8601.

The output would be something like this:

    "@timestamp" => 2023-09-27T20:38:17.726537839Z,
      "@version" => "1",
           "pid" => "<0.32551.1583>",
        "domain" => "rabbitmq.connection",
          "time" => 2022-12-21T01:14:59.977Z,
         "level" => "error",
          "host" => "lab",
       "message" => "Error on AMQP connection <0.32551.1583>: enotconn (socket is not connected)"

why is it pid after gsub still with the brackets (<0.32551.1583>)

Oh yeah, my mistake, I thought it worked on the first try.

Just need to change the gsub to this:

gsub => ["pid","[<>]",""]

And the <> will be removed.

thanks :slight_smile:

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