In logstash the event I receive from http input is
"event" => {
"@timestamp" =>2019-04-24T09:17:29.940 Z,
"headers" => {
"http_host" =>"localhost:5055 ", " http_version"=>"HTTP/1.1",
"connection" =>"close",
"http_accept" =>nil,
"request_path" =>"/",
"http_user_agent" =>"httpget",
"request_method" =>"POST",
"content_length" =>"296",
"accept_language" =>"application/json",
"content_type" =>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"accept_encoding" =>"identity"
"message" =>" [
\"job_template_name\":\"Test Job\",
] ", " @version"=>"1",
"host" =>""
I want the content inside the message as parsed JSON like
"job_template_name":"Test Job",
I used the below filter
json {
source => "message"
remove_field => [ "headers" ]
but I see the output comes as
"message":"[{\"job\": {\"job_template_name\": \"Test Job\", \"frequency\": \"daily\", \"job_id\": \"21751\", \"api_version\": \"v1\", \"template_id\": \"312\"}}]",
how do I get the content inside message as parsed JSON?