Parse substring in a line in grok

Hello, I've a sample line 'stock_status': 'IN_STOCK', 'title_ar': u"World's Greatest Mum Card"
I want to parse the stock_status value, so I created this grok filter

match => [ "message", "'stock_status': '%{GREEDYDATA:stock_value}'" ]

but the output is:

"stock_value": [
"IN_STOCK', 'title_ar': u"World"

I want it to be:

"stock_value": [

Can you help?

Are those the complete samples of logs and grok pattern? If not, it would help pasting those instead.

Anyhow, you can try this (based on the above info)

    match => [ "message", "'stock_status': '%{NOTSPACE:stock_value}'," ]
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This comma at the end solved the problem, thanks @paz

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