Parsing file containing sectional metadata and data

I have a file with a structure where the actual events follow their meta.

For example, the file has contents like below

Columns = Name|Age|Gender
Delimiter = |


Columns = Country,State
Delimiter = ,


I want to parse the file so that, output looks something like this

"message": "John|23|M",
"Name": "John",
"Age": "23",
"Gender": "M"
message: "Canada,Ontario",
"Country": "Canada",
"State": "Ontario"

Basically I want to have data extracted using dynamic column and delimiter.

There are no plugins that can do this other than ruby. The following will handle that file. Additional code could be borrowed from the csv filter to support more options and add error handling.

    ruby {
        init => '
            @columns = []
            @delimiter = ""
            @quote_char = %q["]

            @columnsPrefix = "Columns = "
            @delimiterPrefix = "Delimiter = "
        code => '
            m = event.get("message")
            if m.start_with?(@columnsPrefix)
                @columnsString = m.delete_prefix(@columnsPrefix)
            elsif m.start_with?(@delimiterPrefix)
                @delimiter = m.delete_prefix(@delimiterPrefix)
                @columns = @columnsString.split(@delimiter)
            elsif m == "[DATA]" or m =~ /^\s*$/
                values = CSV.parse_line(m, :col_sep => @delimiter, :quote_char => @quote_char)
                values.each_index { |x|
                    event.set(@columns[x], values[x])

Well it's possible something similar with multi match grok.
Columns = John|23|M
Columns = Jane|25|F
Delimiter = |
Columns = Canada,Ontario
Columns = USA,Nevada
Delimiter = ,

input {
  file {
   path => "/path/csv-sample.txt"
   start_position => beginning
   sincedb_path => "/dev/null" # NUL Windows

filter {

  if [message] =~ /^Delimiter =/ {
  grok {
    match => {
      break_on_match => "true"
      "message" => [ "^Columns = %{DATA:Name}\|%{INT:Age}\|%{WORD:Gender}", "^Columns = %{DATA:Country}\,%{DATA:State}.$"]
  mutate {
          gsub => [ "message","^Columns = ",""]
		  gsub => [ "message","^Delimiter = ",""]
          gsub => [ "message","(\r|\n)",""]
  mutate{   remove_field => [ "log", "event", "host", "@version", "@timestamp"] } 

output {
    stdout { codec => rubydebug{}  }


        "Age" => "23",
    "message" => "John|23|M",
       "Name" => "John",
     "Gender" => "M"
    "Country" => "USA",
      "State" => "Nevada",
    "message" => "USA,Nevada"
    "Country" => "Canada",
      "State" => "Ontario",
    "message" => "Canada,Ontario"
        "Age" => "25",
    "message" => "Jane|25|F",
       "Name" => "Jane",
     "Gender" => "F"

And yes, Budger will send me to The International Criminal Court, but it's possible :slight_smile:

The problem is to identify the name of the columns from the contents of the file itself.

match => {
      break_on_match => "true"
      "message" => [ "^Columns = %{DATA:Name}\|%{INT:Age}\|%{WORD:Gender}", "^Columns = %{DATA:Country}\,%{DATA:State}.$"]

Here you are hard-coding the name of the columns. So, this approach will only work if the column names are already know.

Excellent approach. Thanks for the insight. Although, there is one glitch in the solution. Logstash uses multiple pipeline workers to process the input. So, for this code to work we have to turn on the preserve ordering setting and set pipeline worker to 1.

As always posts are written by Scrum, not by SDLC :slight_smile:
Anyway, I am so glad you finally have the solution. :+1:

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