I'm trying to ingest logs to elasticsearch directly using filebeat 8.17.0 I want to separate the json keys from logs and add it to the root level so I can perform analytics based on the fields.
sample log:
[23/Jan/2025 11:47:13] INFO [elastic_service:1242] {"sort": [{"newarrivals": "desc"}, {"_score": "desc"}, {"speed": "desc"}], "from": 0, "_source": ["product_id", "unit_price", "views", "count_sold", "ordering", "is_soldout", "colorcode", "newarrivals"], "aggs": {"distinct_sizes": {"terms": {"field": "sizes", "order": {"_key": "asc"}, "size": 1000}}, "distinct_color.rgbcode": {"terms": {"field": "color.rgbcode", "order": {"_key": "asc"}, "size": 1000}}, "categories": {"aggs": {"distinct_categories.cat_slug": {"terms": {"field": "categories.cat_slug", "size": 1000}, "aggs": {"categories.groups": {"aggs": {"categories.groups.group_name": {"terms": {"field": "categories.groups.group_name", "size": 1000}}}, "nested": {"path": "categories.groups"}}}}}, "nested": {"path": "categories"}}}, "query": {"function_score": {"query": {"bool": {"minimum_should_match": 1, "filter": [{"bool": {"must": [{"term": {"active": {"value": true}}}]}}], "should": [{"prefix": {"ean": {"boost": 5, "value": "abc@mail.in"}}}, {"prefix": {"sku": {"boost": 5, "value": "abc@mail.in"}}}, {"multi_match": {"minimum_should_match": "75%", "fields": ["parent_category^8", "name^13", "color.name^9", "sizes^4", "sizes_text^4", "category_style^12", "category_solutions^11", "category_fabric^10", "category_occasion^7", "category_offers^8", "category_child^5", "description^4"], "type": "most_fields", "fuzziness": 1, "query": "abc@mail.in"}}, {"nested": {"path": "categories", "query": {"bool": {"must": [{"match": {"categories.cat_name": {"query": "abc@mail.in", "fuzziness": "AUTO"}}}]}}}}], "must": [{"bool": {"should": [{"match": {"name": {"query": "abc@mail.in", "fuzziness": "AUTO"}}}, {"match": {"description": {"query": "abc@mail.in", "fuzziness": "AUTO"}}}, {"prefix": {"sku": {"boost": 5, "value": "abc@mail.in"}}}, {"nested": {"path": "categories", "query": {"bool": {"must": [{"match": {"categories.cat_name": {"query": "", "fuzziness": "AUTO"}}}]}}}}]}}]}}, "functions": [{"script_score": {"script": "_score * (doc[is_soldout].value==true?0:1)"}}], "score_mode": "multiply", "boost_mode": "multiply"}}, "size": 4}
I am using dissect in the filebeat.yml
file processors
tab to separate the JSON fields,
- add_host_metadata:
when.not.contains.tags: forwarded
- dissect:
tokenizer: '[%{timestamp}] %{level} [%{service}] %{json_field}'
field: "message"
target: ""
- decode_json_fields:
fields: ["json_field"]
process_array: false
max_depth: 2
target: ""
overwrite_keys: true
add_error_key: true
I now have fields such as dissect.timestamp, dissect.level, dissect.service and dissect.json_field in the root level, but the json_field cannot be dissected further. also facing an error in the dashboard.
Adding dashboard image below
I want to filter the JSON field further and separate the keys from the JSON log to root fields.
I appreciate any help you can provide.