Parsing Json within a Json in Filebeat

Hi Elastic Support,

I'm using Filebeat 6.2.2 and we have a json log that looks like this:


Pretty view:

"Notes": "{"children":2,"details":[{"birthday":"1999-01-01t01:00:00.00000-04:00","childname":"Ringo"},{"birthday":"2001-03-01t01:00:00.00000-04:00","childname":"Michael"}]}"

When I'm feeding it using Filebeat, it looks like this is Kibana:

Name: John
Locations: USA
Enabled: true
Notes.Children: 2
Notes.details: {
{ "birthday":"2001-03-01t01:00:00.00000-04:00",

Is there a way for it to be like this is Kibana by just using Filebeat?

Name: John
Locations: USA
Enabled: true
Notes.Children: 2
Notes.details.birthday1: 1999-01-01t01:00:00.00000-04:00
Notes.details.childname1: Ringo
Notes.details.birthday2: 2001-03-01t01:00:00.00000-04:00
Notes.details.childname2: Michael

Filebeat 6.2.2 config:


  • type: log
    enabled: true

    • d:/Sheen/logs/Person.json
      fields_under_root: true
      json.keys_under_root: true


    • decode_json_fields:
      fields: ["Notes"]
      output.console.pretty: true

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