Parsing problem when streaming a log file

So did you actually delete the data stream and all before you restarted...???

Stack Management Data Streams etc...

I am going through the example right now

I don't think I did,

All I did was stop the service and start it up again

While I am going through the rest of this... try this... note the corrected syntax on the dataset

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It changed!

The entire log is still in the message field though :confused:

Yeah because it is still writing to the old index...

I got it working... you were close...

Steps Stop The Agent

Go to Kibana -> Index Management and Delete the logs-example-default and logs-generic-default data streams

then Put these notice the names above you using generic etc..

PUT _index_template/logs-example-default-template
  "index_patterns": [ "logs-example-*" ],
  "data_stream": { },
  "priority": 500,
  "template": {
    "settings": {
  "composed_of": [
  "ignore_missing_component_templates": ["logs@custom"]

PUT _ingest/pipeline/logs-example-default
  "description": "Extracts the timestamp and log level",
  "processors": [
      "json": {
        "field": "message",
        "target_field": "message_details"

Agent File

    type: elasticsearch
    hosts: '<host:port>
    api_key: '<apikey>'
  - id: your-log-id
    type: filestream
      - id: your-log-stream-id
          dataset: example
          # - /var/log/*.log
          - /opt/Elastic/Agent/elastic-agent-*.ndjson

start the agent

I can't thank you enough, Stephen

I really appreciate the time you had to put up with me.

Thank you again!

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No it was fine... 1 little glitch in the docs!
Thanks for hanging in!

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