Parsing Windows Event Logs with nested xml

Dear community.
After spending more than a week with logstash and winlogbeat to parse Windows_Event_Logs..but have no clue how to parse the nested xml in the security windows eventlogs (vistaeventlogs).

Using Logstash 6.6.1

I learned that Winlogbeat is not able to parse the nested xml in this event_log . So we ship the event_log to logstash, which contain this message_field:

message" => "The Federation Service issued a valid token. See XML for details. \n\nActivity ID: 04ca7383-37f9-4d06-bb5f-0080010000f4 \n\nAdditional Data \nXML: <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?>\n<AuditBase xmlns:xsd=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:type=\"AppTokenAudit\">\n <AuditType>AppToken</AuditType>\n <AuditResult>Success</AuditResult>\n <FailureType>None</FailureType>\n <ErrorCode>N/A</ErrorCode>\n <ContextComponents>\n <Component xsi:type=\"ResourceAuditComponent\">\n <RelyingParty></RelyingParty>\n <ClaimsProvider>AD AUTHORITY</ClaimsProvider>\n <UserId>testuser</UserId>\n </Component>\n <Component xsi:type=\"AuthNAuditComponent\">\n <PrimaryAuth></PrimaryAuth>\n <DeviceAuth>false</DeviceAuth>\n <DeviceId>N/A</DeviceId>\n <MfaPerformed>false</MfaPerformed>\n <MfaMethod>N/A</MfaMethod>\n <TokenBindingProvidedId>false</TokenBindingProvidedId>\n <TokenBindingReferredId>false</TokenBindingReferredId>\n <SsoBindingValidationLevel>TokenUnbound</SsoBindingValidationLevel>\n </Component>\n <Component xsi:type=\"ProtocolAuditComponent\">\n <OAuthClientId>N/A</OAuthClientId>\n <OAuthGrant>N/A</OAuthGrant>\n </Component>\n <Component xsi:type=\"RequestAuditComponent\">\n <Server></Server>\n <AuthProtocol>SAMLP</AuthProtocol>\n <NetworkLocation>Intranet</NetworkLocation>\n <IpAddress></IpAddress>\n <ForwardedIpAddress />\n <ProxyIpAddress>N/A</ProxyIpAddress>\n <NetworkIpAddress>N/A</NetworkIpAddress>\n <ProxyServer>N/A</ProxyServer>\n <UserAgentString>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:65.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/65.0</UserAgentString>\n <Endpoint>/adfs/ls/</Endpoint>\n </Component>\n </ContextComponents>\n</AuditBase>"

Using the xml filter this message is parsed to "xml.ContextComponents.Component"
Unfortunately i was not able to "xpath" necessary attributes from "messages"...also "grok" this message is more or less frustrating :slight_smile:

Searching the Community i found a hint to split the message field after running this through the xml filter...this seems to work...but unfortunately creates 3 additional events plus the original event.
Is there a way to aggregate this 4 events back to one , again ?

Out logstash.config:

input {
  beats {
    port => 5044
filter {
  xml {
      source => "message"
      store_xml => "true"
      target => "xml"
     force_array => false
    split { field => "[xml][ContextComponents][Component]" }

output {
  stdout { codec => rubydebug }

Do you have any hints, what is the right way to parse this "message" field with nested xml ?

The entire point of a split filter is to split one event into more than one. If you want to keep one event as one event then do not use a split filter.

The following xpath expressions will pull items out of the Component entries.

        xpath => {
            "/AuditBase/ContextComponents/Component/ClaimsProvider/text()" => "ClaimsProvider"
            "/AuditBase/ContextComponents/Component/PrimaryAuth/text()" => "PrimaryAuth"
            "/AuditBase/ContextComponents/Component/IpAddress/text()" => "IpAddress"

If that does not help then please explain what you are trying to do.

Thank you for the quick reply! I already "played around" with xpath...but regardless what path setting i insert...the xpath field are always empty:

I tested various xpath settings...the fields are always empty in stndout and kibana

filter {
  xml {
      source => "message"
      store_xml => "false"
     force_array => false
        xpath => {
	    "/AuditBase/AuditType/text()" => "AuditType"
   	    "/AuditBase/AuditResult/text()" => "AuditResult"
            "/AuditBase/ContextComponents/Component/RelyingParty" => "RelyingParty"
            "/AuditBase/ContextComponents/Component/ClaimsProvider/text()" => "ClaimsProvider"
            "/AuditBase/ContextComponents/Component/UserId/text()" => "UserId"

But the fields are always empty:

STND shows this:
Mar 18 09:06:57 SSP30MYSRV01394 logstash[16395]: "RelyingParty" => ,
Mar 18 09:06:57 SSP30MYSRV01394 logstash[16395]: "ClaimsProvider" => ,

Do you have any further hints for me ?

Are you removing the prefix before you parse the XML?

   mutate { gsub => [ "message", "(?m).*XML: ", "" ] }

I was surprised to find that the xml filter skips the prefix, but none of the xpath entries work. Once you remove the prefix xpath starts working.

Beside the "message" field... also "event_data.param1" and "event_data.param2" was shipped by winlogbeat. "event_data.param2" contain pure xml data. "message" is somekind of "whatever"...strings with embedded xml. Nothing logstash can work with out of the box. Parsing the source "event_data.param2" does the trick and xpath was able to find the attributes. Thank you for the hint !

This does the trick for us:

filter {
  mutate {
    add_field => {"Activity_ID" => "%{[event_data][param1]}"}
  xml {
      source => "[event_data][param2]"
      store_xml => "false"
      force_array => false
        xpath => {
          "/AuditBase/AuditType/text()" => "AuditType"
          "/AuditBase/AuditResult/text()" => "AuditResult"
          "/AuditBase/FailureType/text()" => "FailureType"
	      "/AuditBase/ErrorCode/text()" => "ErrorCode"
	      "/AuditBase/ContextComponents/Component/RelyingParty/text()" => "RelyingParty"
          "/AuditBase/ContextComponents/Component/ClaimsProvider/text()" => "ClaimsProvider"
          "/AuditBase/ContextComponents/Component/UserId/text()" => "UserId"
	      "/AuditBase/ContextComponents/Component/OAuthClientId/text()" => "OAuthClientId"
	      "/AuditBase/ContextComponents/Component/OAuthGrant/text()" => "OAuthGrant"
	      "/AuditBase/ContextComponents/Component/Server/text()" => "Server"
	      "/AuditBase/ContextComponents/Component/AuthProtocol/text()" => "AuthProtocol"
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