Hello guys,
I'm trying to parse xml files from S3. I get the file just fine, but i want the xml file to be processed completely like:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<cdr core-uuid="ba3625bb-e210-4a49-971f-efe02a7dafc4" switchname="myswitch">
but for some reason it doesn't seem to be running properly, it looks like it's parsing line by line... not sure how to go about this,,,
{ "channel_data.state": "CS_REPORTING",
{ "channel_data.state": "CS_REPORTING", "channel_data.direction": "inbound",
{ "channel_data.state": "CS_REPORTING", "channel_data.direction": "inbound",
"channel_data.state_number": 11,
{ "channel_data.state": "CS_REPORTING", "channel_data.direction": "inbound", "channel_data.state_number": 11, "channel_data.flags": "0=1;1=1;3=1;35=1;37=1;38=1;40=1;43=1;53=1;75=1;106=1;112=1;113=1;122=1",
{ "channel_data.state": "CS_REPORTING", "channel_data.direction": "inbound", "channel_data.state_number": 11, "channel_data.flags": "0=1;1=1;3=1;35=1;37=1;38=1;40=1;43=1;53=1;75=1;106=1;112=1;113=1;122=1", "channel_data.caps": "1=1;2=1;3=1;4=1;5=1;6=1",
and i want it to insert on separate fields, setting every field as its proper type (string/int/etc/date)...
My config is:
input {
s3 {
access_key_id => "MY-ACCESSKEY-ID"
secret_access_key => "MY-ACCESS-KEY"
region => "us-east-1"
bucket => "mybucket"
tags => [ "elasticsearch", "logstash", "kibana" ]
type => "elb"
prefix => "2017-12-10/"
sincedb_path => "/var/lib/logstash/.sincedb_argo_elb"
temporary_directory => "/tmp/logstash/input_argo_elb"
codec => multiline {
pattern => "<cdr>|</cdr>"
negate => true
what => "next"
auto_flush_interval => 0
max_lines => 1000
filter {
ruby {
code => 'require "nokogiri"
def is_number? string
true if Float(string) rescue false
File.open("/tmp/mydebug.log","a") { |f| f.puts event.get("message") }
doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(event.get("message"))
leaves = doc.xpath("//cdr")
myglobal = "{"
leaves.each do |node|
comma = ""
last_index = doc.xpath("//*[not(*)][text()]").size.pred
puts doc.xpath("//*[not(*)][text()]").map.with_index{ |n,i|
if n.name != "DP_MATCH"
if is_number?(n.text)
myglobal = myglobal + " \"#{n.parent.name}.#{n.name}\": #{n.text}"
myglobal = myglobal + " \"#{n.parent.name}.#{n.name}\": \"#{n.text}\""
if i == last_index
myglobal = myglobal + "}"
event.set("message", myglobal)
File.open("/tmp/mydebug.log","a") { |f| f.puts myglobal }
myglobal = myglobal + ","
myglobal = ""
output {
elasticsearch { hosts => ["cdr-elastic:9200"] }
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
Help is greatly appreciated!