Passing Array and a Variable from Json output to a http request in Ruby


I have above output coming from one API and I need to pass this to another API where URL will have variable componets of datasource array and nodeID. And I need to store this data an ingest it to elastic as documents. Could you please help me with ruby code how I can achieve in logstash.

    "@timestamp" => 2022-06-17T13:18:26.431584Z,
        "nodeId" => "18",
    "datasource" => [
        [0] "ssh",
        [1] "icmp"
    "@timestamp" => 2022-06-17T13:18:26.431584Z,
        "nodeId" => "13"
    "@timestamp" => 2022-06-17T13:18:26.431584Z,
        "nodeId" => "14"
    "@timestamp" => 2022-06-17T13:18:26.431584Z,
        "nodeId" => "8",
    "datasource" => [
        [ 0] "ciscoMemoryPoolFree",
        [ 1] "ciscoSupyState",
        [ 2] "bufferNoMem",
        [ 3] "CiscoEnvMonState",
        [ 4] "tcpAttemptFails",
        [ 5] "ciscoMemoryPoolMax",
        [ 6] "ciscoSupSource",
        [ 7] "avgBusy5",
        [ 8] "tcpPassiveOpens",
        [ 9] "ciscoMemoryPoolUsed",
        [10] "tcpOutSegs",
    "@timestamp" => 2022-06-17T13:18:26.431584Z,
        "nodeId" => "10",
    "datasource" => [
        [0] "icmp"
    "@timestamp" => 2022-06-17T13:18:26.431584Z,
        "nodeId" => "1",
    "datasource" => [
        [0] "hrSystemUptime"

My ruby code:

#ruby {
#  init => "
#       require 'net/http'
#       require 'uri'
#       require 'json'
#     "
#       code => "
#       event.get('datasource').each { |i|
#               uri = URI.parse('xxxxxxxxxx/rest/measurements/node%5B%{nodeId}%5D.nodeSnmp%5B%5D/%{#datasource[i]}?start=-7200000')
#               request =


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