pipeline/output.go:180 failed to publish events: client is not connected

Hello Everyone,
I have ELK setup in kubernetes 1.23 cluster, I have filebeat in one namespace in the cluster as daemonset. For the master nodes we have filebeat deployed on the nodes while building the ami. Earlier we had logstash on ec2 servers outside the cluster, recently we have moved it from the ec2 servers and deployed it as a statefulset within the cluster and in same namespace as filebeat.
Logstash version: 7.16.3
Filebeat version: 7.17.1
We created a virtualservice endpoint for the logstash and used it as endpoint in filebeat

configuration inside the master nodes. But we are facing this error. Any idea about this?
`2023-05-09T09:20:35.230Z        ERROR   [publisher_pipeline_output]     pipeline/output.go:180  failed to publish events: client is not connected`
`2023-05-09T09:20:35.311Z        ERROR   [logstash]      logstash/async.go:280   Failed to publish events caused by: lumberjack protocol error`
`2023-05-09T09:20:35.377Z        ERROR   [logstash]      logstash/async.go:280   Failed to publish events caused by: client is not connected`

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