I am trying to enter in an IF statement to preset the geo information based on some internal IPs, but I'm not sure what the syntax needs to be when listing the range. The example below is for any IP with a 10.x.x.x address, but my range is 10.3.64.x - 10.3.127.x
if [c-ip] =~ /^10./ {
mutate { replace => { "[geoip][timezone]" => "Pacific/Auckland" } }
mutate { replace => { "[geoip][country_name]" => "Merica" } }
mutate { replace => { "[geoip][country_code2]" => "UO" } }
mutate { replace => { "[geoip][country_code3]" => "UoO" } }
mutate { remove_field => [ "[geoip][location]" ] }
mutate { add_field => { "[geoip][location]" => "170.525" } }
mutate { add_field => { "[geoip][location]" => "-45.865" } }
mutate { convert => [ "[geoip][location]", "float" ] }
mutate { replace => [ "[geoip][latitude]", -45.856 ] }
mutate { convert => [ "[geoip][latitude]", "float" ] }
mutate { replace => [ "[geoip][longitude]", 170.525 ] }
mutate { convert => [ "[geoip][longitude]", "float" ] }