Problem extracting multiple events from XML


I've been struggling with this for a few days now and have been trolling endlessly in the community for some complete examples to help me out.

I am currently have a problem trying to parse all the events from my XML file that contains many events.

I'm attaching a copy of what I have at work, in hopes someone sees something that I am missing. My problem is that I only get 1 event parsed (the first one) and all the others are not showing up.

I'm using logstash version 6.3.2 and below are the details.



input {
  file {
    path => "/data/in/test/sample.xml"
    start_position => "beginning"
    sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
    codec => multiline
      pattern => "<element>"
      what => "previous"
      negate => "true"

filter {
  mutate {
    gsub => [
      "message", "[\r\n]", ""

filter {
  xml {
    source => "message"
    store_xml => "false"
    remove_namespaces => "true"
    xpath => [
        "/element", "element"
  if [element] {
    split {
      field => "element"
    xml {
      source => "element"
      store_xml => "false"
      xpath => [
        "/element/field1/text()", "field1",
        "/element/field2/text()", "field2",
        "/element/field3/text()", "field3"
    mutate {
        remove_field => ["message", "element"]

output {
  stdout { codec => rubydebug }

Sample XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><element type="INSTANCE"><field1>001</field1><field2>ready</field2><field3>local</field3></element><element type="INSTANCE"><field1>002</field1><field2>pause</field2><field3>local</field3></element><element type="INSTANCE"><field1>003</field1><field2>starting</field2><field3>remote</field3></element>

Pretty version for viewing. The file is actually one long line, but some of the fields have embedded carriage returns.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<element type="INSTANCE">
<element type="INSTANCE">
<element type="INSTANCE">

Expected output

This will actually be written to Elasticsearch, but I want to verify I can make this work first

  "field1" => "001",
  "field2" => "ready",
  "field3" => "local"
  "field1" => "002",
  "field2" => "pause",
  "field3" => "local"
  "field1" => "003",
  "field2" => "starting",
  "field3" => "remote"

But all I am currently seeing is:
"field1" => "001",
"field2" => "ready",
"field3" => "local"

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