Problem with aggregate filter while using the push_map_as_event_on_timeout feature


I am having issues with the aggregate filter. I have version 2.4 of this filter installed. I am running logstash 2.4 as a service on Ubuntu 16.04.

In filter's GitHub readme file I found a nice feature that should be helpful in my use case - the ability to aggregate the data when there is no end event. In order to do that, I did exactly what the example says ( only changing the code part for my use case), but it doesn't seem to work. No aggregated events are being indexed into my elasticsearch.

my filter config is the following:

aggregate {
        task_id => "%{task_id}"
        code => "
                    map['event_counter'] ||= 0 ; map['event_counter'] += 1;
                    map['duration'] ||= 0; map['duration'] += event['duration'];
                    map['L7_goodput'] ||= 0; map['L7_goodput'] += event['L7_goodput'];
                    map['L7_throughput'] ||= 0; map['L7_throughput'] += event['L7_throughput'];
                    map['QoE_KBs'] ||= 0; map['QoE_KBs'] += event['QoE_KBs'];
                    map['QoE_Kbps'] ||= 0; map['QoE_Kbps'] += event['QoE_Kbps'];
        push_map_as_event_on_timeout => true
        timeout_task_id_field => "task_id"
        timeout => 60 
        timeout_tags => ['_aggregatetimeout']
        timeout_code => "
                            event['QoE_KBs'] = event['QoE_KBs']/event['event_counter'];
                            event['QoE_Kbps'] = event['QoE_Kbps']/event['event_counter'];
                            event['L7_goodput_GB'] = event['L7_goodput']/((1024.0)**3);
                            event['L7_throughput_GB'] = event['L7_throughput']/((1024.0)**3);

(task_id is a field that I add to the event in a previous filter)

Lines are being written to log files monitored by filebeat and sent to logstash. All the lines are indexed properly into elasticsearch, however, there is not a single event in elastic with the tag _aggregatetimeout so something isn't working right. To me, it would appear that no events are being pushed after a 60 second timeout. Maybe I'm missing something...?
I have set workers to 1 and the logs to verbose but I don't see anything in the logs.

I have no idea how to fix or debug this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: went ahead a tried the example from github.

filter {
    grok {
             match => [ "message", "%{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} - %{NOTSPACE:user_id} - %{GREEDYDATA:msg_text}" ]

    aggregate {
        task_id => "%{user_id}"
        code => "map['clicks'] ||= 0; map['clicks'] += 1;"
        push_map_as_event_on_timeout => true
        timeout_task_id_field => "user_id"
        timeout => 600 # 10 minutes timeout
        timeout_tags => ['_aggregatetimeout']
        timeout_code => "event['several_clicks'] = (event['clicks'] > 1)"

with these logs:

INFO - 12345 - Clicked One
 INFO - 12345 - Clicked Two
 INFO - 12345 - Clicked Three

And it also doesn't work. So I am defiantly missing something...Help :sweat:?