Problme in x-pack machine learning (how can i solve it )

2019-04-08T15:40:23.545+0200 INFO [publisher] pipeline/module.go:110 Beat name: drioui-SATELLITE-L850-1VQ
2019-04-08T15:40:23.557+0200 INFO beater/filebeat.go:101 Enabled modules/filesets: suricata (eve)
2019-04-08T15:40:23.558+0200 ERROR instance/beat.go:906 Exiting: Template loading requested but the Elasticsearch output is not configured/enabled
Exiting: Template loading requested but the Elasticsearch output is not configured/enabled

Please don't just post an unformatted log as the only text in your body.

What version are you running?
Where are you seeing this?

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