Process two types of logs format

Hi everyone!
I'm using the ELK stack with Kafka to collect and analyze logs from my K8s environment.
We have different log formats, mainly plaintext and JSON.
How can I process them in Logstash properly?
Right now, plain logs have the wrong breakdown.
For example, a plaintext message is breaking into two or more messages.
My simplified config is :

input {
    kafka {
        bootstrap_servers => "kafka_ip:port"
        topics => ["sample_topic"]
        group_id => "elk"
        client_id => "logstash-sample"
        auto_offset_reset => "earliest"
        consumer_threads => 4
        codec => json
        decorate_events => true
        add_field => { "kafka_topic" => "sample_topic"}

output {
    if [kafka_topic] == "sample_topic" {
    elasticsearch {
        hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
        index => "sample_topic-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"

Would appreciate any help,
Thanks in advance.

Could you please give more details like how your plain text logs looks like and how you want to format them?

Imagine for example httpd log sample entry like this : - frank [10/Oct/2023:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326
I am getting aforementioned entry in two entries, like :

entry1: - frank [10/Oct/2023:13:55:36 -0700]
entry2: "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326

It is obviously wrong, I want to receive it at least as it was originally