Q. grok filter pattern

I created a filter as shown below.
There are three types of logs, so there are three patterns.
log A can use the message if "action" in [message].
But what about log B and log C ?

log A: sip = dip = sport = 100 dport = 200 action = permit
log B: sip = dip = sport = 100 dport = 200 attack =
log C: sip = dip = attack =

filter {

  #log A
  if "action" in [message]
           grok {match => {"message" => "grok_pattern_A"}}

  #log B
  else if "???" in [message]
           grok {match => {"message" => "grok_pattern _B"}}

  #log C
  else if "???" in [message]
           grok {match => {"message" => "grok_pattern _C"}}


Thank you in advance.

Parse our the full part that contains key-value pairs using grok or dissect and then use the kv filter to parse this, not grok.

Can you show an example using the above log?

I meant something like this:

input {
  generator {
    lines => ['log A: sip = dip = sport = 100 dport = 200 action = permit',
              'log B: sip = dip = sport = 100 dport = 200 attack =',
              'log C: sip = dip = attack =']
    count => 1

filter {
  dissect {
    mapping => {
      "message" => "%{initial_part}: %{kvpart}"

  mutate {
    gsub => ["kvpart", " = ", "="]

  kv {
    source => "kvpart"

output {
  stdout { codec => rubydebug }

Thank you for showing me a good sample.

Can I use a grok filter instead of a dissect filter?
ex) grok {match => {"message" => "grok_pattern_B"}}

And is there any other way?

If there is a simpler way than the above method, I would like to do it.

Thank you in advance.

You can use grok instead of the dissect filter, but for this example I thought it was easier. What about this approach is too complicated? Trying to use grok alone will likely be more complex as well as less efficient.

Um ...
Actually, I did not understand the sample well.
Would you be willing to give me a little more detail?

The dissect filter is used to put the full string containing the key-value pairs into a field named kvpart. The mutate part then removes spaces surrounding the equals sign so that the key-value string matches the default separators. The kv filter is then applied to parse out the fields.

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