Rabbitmq input metadata


I would like to see the metadata of my rabbitmq input.

I have set metadata_enabled to true

and then i added this :

add_field => { "topic" => "%{[@metadata][rabbitmq_properties][routing-key]}"}

Unfortunately I end up with a string field "topic" = %{[@metadata][rabbitmq_properties][routing-key]}

How can I retrieve the information ?


I have tested the configuration with rubydebug, and there is no metadata in the output. I guess the problem come from this.

Here is my config

input {
  rabbitmq {
    host => "x.x.x.x"
    subscription_retry_interval_seconds => 5
    exchange => "amq.topic"
    key => "#"
    auto_delete => "true"
    user => "x"
    password => "x"
    metadata_enabled => "true"
    #add_field => { "topic" => "%{[@metadata][rabbitmq_properties][routing-key]}"}

filter {

  split {
           field => "metrics"
           terminator => "},"
  mutate {
           rename => {"[metrics][dataType]" => "metrics_datatype"}
           rename => {"[metrics][name]" => "metrics_name"}
           rename => {"[metrics][timestamp]" => "metrics_timestamp"}
           rename => {"[metrics][value]" => "metrics_value"}

  if [metrics_datatype] == "float" {
    ruby {
           code => 'event.set(event.get("metrics_name") + "_value", event.get("metrics_value").to_f)'


output {
   stdout {codec => rubydebug {metadata => true}}

here is the output (no metadata)

 "@timestamp" => 2017-09-22T09:42:50.840Z,
        "metrics_value" => "7.5",
     "metrics_datatype" => "float",
             "@version" => "1",
         "metrics_name" => "PH",
              "metrics" => {},
    "metrics_timestamp" => "2017-09-22T09:42:50.821Z",
             "PH_value" => 7.5,
            "timestamp" => "2017-09-22T09:42:50.821Z",
                 "tags" => []

Which version of Logstash and which version of the rabbitmq input plugin?


I just figured out the problem.

I had to use "plain" codec in the input section.

Then the metadata are here.

I used a json filter after that to read the message in the filter section.

WIth json codec or if no codec is set, metadata don't appear.

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