RabbitMq Metricbeat error in logs

With Metricbeat 7.8 and RabbitMq 3.8.1 I am getting errors in metricbeat.log:

2020-07-16T13:46:46.712+0200 ERROR [rabbitmq.queue] queue/data.go:97 error in mapping: error applying schema: 6 errors: key messages_unacknowledged not found; key messages_unacknowledged_details not found; key messages not found; key messages_details not found; key messages_ready not found; key messages_ready_details not found
2020-07-16T13:46:55.241+0200 ERROR [rabbitmq.queue] queue/data.go:97 error in mapping: error applying schema: 10 errors: key memory not found; key state not found; key consumers not found; key messages not found; key messages_details not found; key messages_ready not found; key messages_ready_details not found; key messages_unacknowledged not found; key messages_unacknowledged_details not found; key messages_persistent not found
2020-07-16T13:46:55.241+0200 ERROR [rabbitmq.queue] queue/data.go:97 error in mapping: error applying schema: 4 errors: key consumers not found; key messages_persistent not found; key memory not found; key state not found
2020-07-16T13:46:55.249+0200 ERROR [rabbitmq.queue] queue/data.go:97 error in mapping: error applying schema: 10 errors: key messages not found; key messages_details not found; key messages_ready not found; key messages_ready_details not found; key messages_unacknowledged not found; key messages_unacknowledged_details not found; key messages_persistent not found; key memory not found; key state not found; key consumers not found


Apparently the module is not compatible with 3.8.1 version.
Module's compatibility: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/metricbeat/current/metricbeat-module-rabbitmq.html#_compatibility_41

Maybe this is another enhancement request to add support for this version too.


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