Rabbitmq plugin with metricbeat not showing correct data

Hi all,

I have added rabbitplugin using metricbeat.
file -> /etc/metricbeat/modules.d/rabbitmq.yml

# Module: rabbitmq
# Docs: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/metricbeat/8.16/metricbeat-module-rabbitmq.html

- module: rabbitmq
  metricsets: ["node", "queue", "connection", "exchange"]
  enabled: true
  period: 10s
  hosts: ["ip_address:18762"]
  username: "username"
  password: "password"


my rabbitmq management dashboard ->

as you can see data is not matching. channels, consumers count is not matched.
currently there is no data in queue, still it is showing 5 count somehow.
Please let me know what else i have to do ?

Thank you in advance.

I'm not a RabbitMQ expert by any means, but could this be down to a regular sending delay? The period is set to 10s in the above example, which from the documentation looks to be how often you're pulling the metricset.