Rally 0.3.3 released

We've just released Rally 0.3.3. This release includes a couple of bugfixes and usability improvements.

How to...?

  • ... upgrade: pip3 install --upgrade esrally
  • ... install: pip3 install esrally

Note: Depending on your system setup you probably need to prepend these commands with sudo.

Please follow the installation instructions for a first time install though.


Rally 0.3.3 allows you specify your own track repository. For example, you can use this feature if you want to write benchmarks with your own data that you want to keep private. For details on how to use this feature, please see the user docs.

There is also a new track with NYC taxi data which you can run with esrally --track=nyc_taxis (but beware, it's pretty large: the compressed size is 4.5GB and 80GB uncompressed so you should have at least 250GB of free storage available).

The changelog contains the complete list of changes.

What's next?

The next version 0.4.0 will include a completely new load test driver that scales better than the current one and is also prepared for distributed benchmarks.

Questions and Feedback

If you have questions or feedback, please just post in the Rally forum.

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