Rally 0.4.4 released

We've just released Rally 0.4.4. Thanks to your continued reports we could fix several bugs and improve usability in this release.

The highlights include:

  • You can now plug in your own data sources and also run any operation against your Elasticsearch cluster. You can see a full example in https://github.com/elastic/rally-tracks/tree/2/percolator (track.json and track.py). This is a very new API so we welcome your feedback (good and bad).
  • You don't need to specify --pipeline=from-distribution anymore. Rally can autodetect it now.
  • Rally detects when the benchmark candidate fails with OutOfMemoryError and aborts the benchmark.
  • Throughput measurement has improved considerably so you should expect much less variation between min and max reported throughput.
  • You can capture GC logs with --telemetry=gc.
  • We restructured and improved the documentation.

The changelog contains the complete list of changes.

All users are recommended to upgrade to this version.

How to...?

  • ... upgrade: pip3 install --upgrade esrally
  • ... install: pip3 install esrally

Note: Depending on your system setup you probably need to prepend these commands with sudo.

Please follow the quickstart for a first time install though.

Questions and Feedback

If you have questions or feedback, please just post in the Rally forum.