Read log files from the http url

I am trying to read the log file from a remote location. Example, All log files are available in the below url:


And the log file name would be as follows (Time format)

  • web_server_log.log
  • web_server_log.log_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss

Can I know how this can be configured in logstash configuration file in the input block?

I was trying to use the 'logstash-input-http', but it did not work. http_poll also tried, it polls complete file instead of only the changed files.

This is a bad idea. Logstash won't be able to fetch only new data so every time it's run it'll fetch everything.

is there any input plugin available which tails the log files over http?

is there any input plugin available which tails the log files over http?


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