Referencing fields in Metrics output

I'm trying to output a custom formatted line which must include:

  1. Events per second metric.
  2. The LS hostname.

I have this metric filter in the "filter" section:

metrics {
    meter => "events"
    add_tag => "metric"
    flush_interval => 5

And I have this block in my output section:

if "metric" in [tags] {
        stdout {
            codec => line {
                format => "%{host}  1m event rate: %{[events][rate_1m]}"

But for some reason the %{host} value is not being output and I am getting the literal string '%{host}' ouput to the console like this:

%{host} 1m event rate: 0.0

What am I doing wrong? Can we not use %{field_name} in the metrics output? I need to output a specifically formatted line for the metrics to be collected properly with my application.

Would appreciate any advice on why my fields don't appear to be available to me.


The symptoms indicate that the metrics event don't have a host field. Looking at the source it looks like it's the message field the includes the hostname. Not sure why it's done like that.

Thanks @magnusbaeck

That's a bit of a disappointment, to say the least. Any ideas about how to get the Logstash hostname or other unique identifier into the metrics output? We are planning on having a cluster of LS machines and it is essential to know what kind of throughput each machine is dealing with... Would be grateful for any suggestions.

You can do what I did , add a flag to logstash --allow-env its a new feature

Then it would be as easy as
----------------sudo code-----
mutate {
add_field => ["host" , "${HOSTNAME}"

Any ideas about how to get the Logstash hostname or other unique identifier into the metrics output?

So... the hostname isn't present in the message field?

Thanks for your input. Yes the message field does indeed contain the hostname and I was able to leverage that to generate the structure/formatting I needed. Many thanks! I do have another question about metrics but I'll create a new thread for that.

Thanks for the suggestion. Much appreciated

I'm also experiencing the same issue, I have a 'response' field in my message, which I can use to generate a metric, but am not able to use this field to add a new field to the metric event.

Did you ever solve this?