Remove fields that match regex

Could someone tell me , can I delete a few fields that match regex expression?

I get snmp traps and in my filter I set all information that I need to a specific fields, so I don't need anymore fields that starts with "SNMPv2-SMI::" How I can delete them all?

I believe you will need to use the ruby filter with some custom code for that.

Use a prune filter.

So, if I have fields like

I will able to delete them with this :

blacklist_names => [ "SNMPv2-SMI.*" ]

@Christian_Dahlqvist could you please write an example of filter in this case?

So, if I have fields like

I will able to delete them with this :

Why don't you try it out? But you should start your regexp with ^ to only match fields that start with SNMPv2-SMI.

Hi, Magnus for my sorry, I couldn't use prune filter, I have older version of logstash that 6.0

The prune filter has been around since Logstash 1.x. What problems were you having?

My problem is bad knowledge of english :confused:.
Ok, I founded on github
the latest version of filter. But I couldn't install it.

[root@user]# /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-plugin install file:///home/mon/downloads/ELK/
Installing file: /home/mon/downloads/ELK/
**ERROR: Invalid pack for: file:///home/mon/downloads/ELK/, reason: The pack must contains at least one plugin, message: The pack must contains at least one plugin**

Maybe I downloaded wrong file?

Thanks for patience :wink:

Why not install the plugin via the logstash-plugin command, as described in the documentation?

Cause I don't have network acess to

Well that works for :

code =>
'event.to_hash.keys.each { |k| if k.start_with?("some text") then event.remove(k) end }'

Well that works for :

code =>
'event.to_hash.keys.each { |k| if k.start_with?("some text") then event.remove(k) end }'

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