Removing spaces in long log text file using grok

I have long entry in my text file (just a string), which cannot be controlled, and there are a lot of spaces. So is there a possibility to remove them before pushing to Kafka? I need just simple grok filter with Greedydata.
So config is:
input {
file {
path => "/app/logs/somelong.log"
type => "my_type_1"
tags => ["xxx","yyy"]
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{GREEDYDATA:LogMessage}"}
remove_field => ["message"]
output {
kafka {
codec => "json"
bootstrap_servers => ""
topic_id => ["SOMETOPIC"]

At this moment, I dont need to divide following string to several fields, just need to trim all spaces in that log file. Unfortunatelly, while pasting it here, all spaces removed, so I am just adding them to represent:

XYZSESSION<5 spaces here>b43e0d68-6cd9-4299-8cv 99-cefac7b940a0<10 spaces here>b43e0d68-6cd9-4299-8c99-ceyiifac7b940a0<2 spaces here>5865za7a68-1a9a-ea38-a520-46dbe35e0784<3 spaces here>myserver:5195 2018-07-03T22:00:00.31Z<20 spaces here>2018-07-03T22:00:00.31Z

You can use a Ruby code block to do that for you. Also, since you don't apply any patterns to your log line, grok is not really needed.

There are a couple of ways (whichever looks more readable to you), e.g.

filter {
    ruby {
        code => "
            event.set('LogMessage', event.get('message').gsub(/ +/, ' '))
            #### or
            event.set('LogMessage', event.get('message').squeeze(' '))
    mutate {
        remove_field => ["message"]

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