I used the filter plugin "rename" to rename a field in my events. Logstash didn't show any error on restart. But there doesn't seem to be any changes to the field name(checked in sense plugin). I added "rename" after indexing the file. How can I rename a field after indexing? I'm using LS-2.0, ES-2.0. This is a piece of my logstash.conf file:
filter {
grok {
match => {"message" => "^(?<EventTime>[0-9 \-\:]*)\s(?<MovieName>[\w.\-\']*)\s(?<Rating>[\d.]+)\s(?<NoOfDownloads>\d+)\s(?<NoOfViews>\d+)" }
mutate {
convert => {"Rating" => "float"}
mutate {
convert => {"NoOfDownloads" => "integer"}
mutate {
convert => {"NoOfViews" => "integer"}
rename => { "NoOfViews" => "TotalViews" }
> }