Renaming fields wild card logstash


From what I have read, there is not yet wild card associated with fields to use with "mutate".
In my logstash config, I am doing something like this :

filter {
    mutate {
        rename => ["Site.Equipment.Metric", "Metric" ]

Since all my fields are generated dynamically (Site(x),Equipement(x),Metric(x)), I would like to be able to rename all incoming fields like this :

filter {
    mutate {
        rename => ["*.Whatever", "Whatever" ]

I tried unsuccessfully using a ruby filter, splitting with and "." and keeping the last value of the array and removing the key and reassigning.

Is there a workaround to do this ?
Have you any clean solution to this issue ?

Thank you for your help,

Do you field names really have dots in them or are they fields nested within objects? If they contain dots then you can do it using

    ruby {
        code => '
            event.to_hash.each { |k, v|
                newK = k.sub(/.*\.([^\.]+)$/, "\\1")
                event.set(newK, v)

Thank you very much, works like a charm

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