Trying to find out a way on how to replace a substring within nested curly brackets
my input string in a single line:
{"service": "service-2bc902c2", "report_timestamp": "2017-12-18T12:58:32.545191", "service_engine": "xyz-se-gdckc", "log_id": 22681, "client_ip": "", "client_src_port": 556, "client_dest_port": 4403, "client_rtt": 143, "ssl_session_id": "183728e1fb7778095c", "ssl_version": "TLSv1.2", "ssl_cipher": "RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384", "http_version": "1.1", "method": "GET", "uri_path": "/test/service/atom/forms/catalog/owned", "uri_query": "results=10&start=0&sortKey={its:" me*}update_date&sortOrder=desc&facet={id:tag,count": 30}&o.p60", "referer": "", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.84 Safari/537.36", "persistence_used": 1, "host": "", "persistent_session_id": 965981681, "pool": "vs_ip": "", "body_updated": "NOT_UPDATED", "vs_name": "test_g4_4403"}
trying to replace string within nested {} such as {id:tag,count": 30} with colons, quotes removed within original input
I am using ruby to replace. so far tried this, but its not working
ruby block
ruby {
code => "
str = event.get('message')
nested = str.scan(/(?={((?:[^{}]++|{\g<1>})++)})/)
nested[1,nested.length-1].each {
printf '\r\nreplacing %s with %s ' , longVariableName , replaced
copy.gsub( /#{longVariableName}/ ,replaced)
printf ' The final string is %s' , copy
Please help