Require Last 15 minutes from timestamp

I have REST API call and I need to pull records which were updated every last 15 minutes.

I can pull last 24 records but I need just updated with in last 15 minutes based on the date field.

This is the ruby code

ruby {
    code => "event.set('[yesterday]', ( - 86400).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%N'))"

logstash config file (http plugin)

http {
        id => "ch-id"
        verb => "GET"       
        url => "http://localhost:8080/api/arsys/v1.0/entry/task%20list?q=Changed Date > %{yesterday}"   
        headers => {
            "Authorization" => "%{[@metadata][request][token]}"
            "X-AR-Client-Type" => '34'
        request_timeout => 600
        socket_timeout => 600
        body_format => "json"
        target_body => "[response][body]"
        target_headers => "[response][headers]"
        periodic_flush => true           

I need to pull records that were updated with in last 15 minutes based on field Changed Date


Can't you just change your ruby code to subtract 900 from instead of 86400?

Thanks Badger, It was just I couldn't think of that but It working as you said, but this logic is not still good for me.

As you can below see I am calling REST API based on passing 'Changed Date' as query parameter to get yesterday data and once you have the all the data from yesterday you can run Logstash every 2 minutes grabbing latest data from last 15 minutes.

but if Logstash stopped or Elasticsearch stopped I need to adjust the time to get all the data since the system is stopped.

I need help on how I can store the last 'Changed Date and time' and compare it next time with current time, to grab data from last 'Changed Date' which somehow I need to store somewhere.

It's Like what you do with JDBC input plugin and you can store the last sql time in .sql_last_value.

Let me know is that possible,


http {
        id => "ch-id"
        verb => "GET"       
        url => "http://localhost:8080/api/arsys/v1.0/entry/task%20list?q=Changed Date > %{yesterday}"   
        headers => {
            "Authorization" => "%{[@metadata][request][token]}"
            "X-AR-Client-Type" => '34'
        request_timeout => 600
        socket_timeout => 600
        body_format => "json"
        target_body => "[response][body]"
        target_headers => "[response][headers]"
        periodic_flush => true           

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