I am attempting to create a model class in my asp.net core web app project that contains the list of properties of an APM transaction. Whenever I run the command:
GET apm-*-transaction/_search
"query": {
"match": {
"_id": "CZuK0nkBiU3wk_hrsN-K"
it will return the contents of that transaction....
this is a continuation of the transaction properties from the DSL query cmd:
I was reading up on attribute mapping for elasticsearch because I wanted to map the attribute Sec-Ch-Ua
to variable named SecChUa
so I did the following:
public List<String> SecChUa {get; set;} // going to change <String> once I know its type
but realized I was doing it incorrectly and PropertyName
should not be there, but replace that with its type... I needed to figure out the property type of Sec-Ch-Ua
so I then did the following cmd GET /apm-*-transaction*
which returned the properties and its type. So I did a search for Sec-Ch-Ua
but it returns nothing.
Is this not the correct cmd to retrieve the list of properties of the apm transactions and its type?