Reuse db connection,driverclass, for jdbc inputs in logstash

input {
    jdbc {
      jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:oracle:thin:@***:1521/***"
   jdbc_user => "***"
   jdbc_password => "***"
   jdbc_validate_connection => true
   jdbc_driver_library => "/opt/logstash-5.5.0/ojdbc6.jar"
   jdbc_driver_class => "Java::oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
        statement => "SELECT ID, Field1, Field2 from tableDb1"
    jdbc {
       jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:oracle:thin:@***:1521/***"
   jdbc_user => "***"
   jdbc_password => "***"
   jdbc_validate_connection => true
   jdbc_driver_library => "/opt/logstash-5.5.0/ojdbc6.jar"
   jdbc_driver_class => "Java::oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
        statement => "SELECT ID, Field3, Field4 from tableDb2"

output {
    elasticsearch {
        index => "myIndex"
        document_type => "myDocument"
        document_id => %{id}
        hosts => "localhost"

'Here I want to reuse the jdbc connections besides writing every time for JDBC input '

Do you mean you want the two inputs to share a connection? That's not going to happen.

Yes,but excluding sql path and lastrun

I do not think it is a problem to have two inputs using the same endpoint. Have you tried it? Did you have problems?

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