I wanted to include a curl, per your suggestion:
sh-4.2# curl -v localhost:5601
- About to connect() to localhost port 5601 (#0)
- Trying
- Connected to localhost ( port 5601 (#0)
GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
Host: localhost:5601
Accept: /< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
var hashRoute = '/app/kibana'; var defaultRoute = '/app/kibana';
< kbn-name: kibana
< kbn-version: 6.3.1
< cache-control: no-cache
< content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< content-length: 217
< accept-ranges: bytes
< Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2018 15:55:46 GMT
< Connection: keep-alive
hmm, so I guess, I'm still a bit confused. I upgraded to 6.3.1 and now my kibana.yml looks like this:
server.basePath: "/kibana"
server.rewriteBasePath: {basePath}/*
Additionally my nginx config, I removed the trailing slash so it now looks like this:
location /kibana/ { error_page 401 /401$request_uri; rewrite ^/kibana(.*)$ $1 break; proxy_pass http://kibana:5601; }
Currently the issue is that the last redirect does not append the server.basePath to the url. This means when I go to https://foo.biz/kibana, I am sent to https://foo.biz/kibana/ which sends me to https://foo.biz/app/kibana, which is an invalid url.
My understanding is that the server.basePath would append the value assigned to it? Such that the value of the last redirect would be https://foo.biz/kibana/app/kibana.
Am I understanding the value of server.basePath?
Finally I wanted to reach out to @jarpy as he seemed to help with a similar issue 126732.
Thank you again