Dear Elastic Forum,
I am trying to understand how the ruby filter works in order to apply a complicated reindexing of some data in my cluster.
I wrote a simple ruby filter example which doesn't work:
input {
elasticsearch {
hosts => [
index => "index-*"
query => '{ "query": { "match": { "_id": "yQmB_HABNyEH-HqOD0uw" } } }'
codec => "json"
filter {
ruby {
code => "test = event['@timestamp']"
output {
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
This simple example doesn't work and the error is:
[ERROR] 2020-03-26 23:48:54.385 [[colpi-reindex]>worker7] ruby - Ruby exception occurred: undefined method '[ ]' for #<LogStash::Event:0x71f2a29>
I can't really understand the error.
The output anyway is:
"@version" => "1",
"estensimetro_0" => -2,
"colpiPerPezzo" => 3,
"estensimetro_2" => 1,
"maxForzaColonna_3" => 0,
"encPos" => 357.8906,
"exception" => "",
"facility" => "local1",
"@timestamp" => 2020-03-21T09:47:50.197Z,
"sysloghost" => "",
"consumoMotore" => 150,
"logger" => "",
"estensimetro_1" => 0,
"evFreno" => false,
"maxForzaColonna_1" => 368,
"tags" => [
[0] "colpo",
[1] "_rubyexception"
"estensimetro_3" => 0,
"appname" => "csvconverter",
"maxForzaColonna_0" => 305,
"severity" => "EMERG",
"type" => "Colpo",
"host" => "",
"maxForzaTot" => 1452,
"colpoPezzo" => 3,
"colpoID" => 1584784069000,
"evFrizione" => false,
"maxForzaColonna_2" => 416