Ruby Filter Exception

hello, I am using this ruby filter to transform and map my data into a new field
Dalist : "8~103511~0~103511~20181209|23~2660000~2382761~277239~20181209"
transforming it to DAList => [
[0] {
"DA_ID" => "8",
"DA_Before" => "275273",
"DA_Change" => "1687",
"DA_After" => "273586",
"DA_ExpDate" => "20181209"
[1] {
"DA_ID" => "23",
"DA_Before" => "2660000",
"DA_Change" => "0",
"DA_After" => "2660000",
"DA_ExpDate" => "20181209"
I used this ruby filter code to also map the nested fields`
ruby {
code => "
x = event.get('dAList').split('|').collect { |t|
c = t.split '~'
'DA_ID' => c[0].to_i,
'DA_Before' => c[1].to_i,-
'DA_After' => c[2].to_i,
'DA_Change' => c[3].to_i,
'DA_ExpDate' => Time.strptime(c[4], '%Y%m%d')
event.set('DAList', x)


my first problem is that some documents are being throwed because they are not parsing the date Format of DA_ExpDate giving this error \\01/25/19\\ is malformed at \"/25/19\""
and how can I set the time zone the the DA_ExpDate

If there are multiple formats you might be better off with a date filter. That also handle timezones.

date {
    match => [ "[DAList][0][DA_ExpDate]", "YYYYMMdd", "MM/dd/YY" ]
    target => "[DAList][0][DA_ExpDate]"
    timezone => "Asia/Qyzylorda"
date {
    match => [ "[DAList][1][DA_ExpDate]", "YYYYMMdd", "MM/dd/YY" ]
    target => "[DAList][1][DA_ExpDate]"
    timezone => "Asia/Qyzylorda"

can I use 1 date filter for dynamic instead of [0],[1],[2],[3]…..etc

No. Unfortunately the date filter does not accept an array of strings as an input (and return an array of timestamps). You either have multiple date filters, or start implementing a significantly more complex ruby filter that tests against multiple date formats and handles timezones.

okay thank you so much for your help

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