RUBY Filter to event.set each entity in an Array

I am stuck on how to use a Ruby script to manipulate a field with in an array. If anyone can help with this I need to take the Field "[body][entities][sentiment][confidence]" and * 100 and add that as another Field "[body][entities][sentiment][probability]" for each entity

if [body][entities][sentiment][label] == "pos"
ruby { code => 'event.set("[body][entities][sentiment][probability]" , (event.get("[body][entities][sentiment][confidence]").to_f * 100)).to_f' }

Here is the Single JSON Document.

  "_index": "logstash-2021.02",
  "_type": "_doc",
  "_id": "1111",
  "_score": 1,
  "_source": {
    "body": {
      "entities": [
          "normalized": "NAME1",
          "sentiment": {
            "label": "pos",
            "confidence": 0.5776256
          "normalized": "NAME2",
          "sentiment": {
            "label": "pos",
            "confidence": 0.47355394
          "normalized": "NAME3",
          "sentiment": {
            "label": "pos",
            "confidence": 0.57258118
          "normalized": "NAME4",
          "sentiment": {
            "label": "pos",
            "confidence": 0.61671584
    "reference": "TEST",
    "@timestamp": "2021-02-05T09:00:11.000Z",
    "tags": [
    "@version": "1",
    "type": "document"
  "fields": {
    "@timestamp": [

I have not tested it but you would have to do something like

ruby {
    code => '
        entities = event.get("[body][entities]")
        if entities.is_a? Array
            entities.each_index { |x|
                entities[x]["sentiment"]["probability"] = entities[x]["sentiment"][confidence] * 100
            event.set("[body][entities]", entities)

It worked just missed some quotes around [confidence] * 100 should be ["confidence"] * 100
Was also able to add some if's in there for different formulas.
Thanks again for the help.

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