Ruby filter used for reading modified time of file

Hello community,

I am currently trying to use the ruby filter to get the modified time of the file I am reading. I want to store the modified time in mtime. This is my first time using ruby so I am sort of lost. Here is my code:

if [type] == "test" {
	ruby {
		code => 'event.set("modified_time", File.mtime("path"))'

It gives me an error of:

Ruby exception occurred: No such file or directory - path

In elasticsearch the 'path' is:


Unsure as to why it is giving me this error since the file exists in that location.


The error is because you cannot directly reference event values (much like you can't assign a value and you have to use a .set method, as you already do). This should work

if [type] == "test" {
	ruby {
		code => 'event.set("modified_time", File.mtime(event.get("path")))'
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