Need Help with ruby code ( I have no knowledge with ruby) on how to combine nested array objects as one Dict ? , as I am facing issues with elastic getting"Object in arrays are not well supported Error" ,
Also I tried "nested" with "mapping" and mutate - convert but nothing seems to help
Input Data:
_"timestamp" : "1315294917923", _
"layers" : {
"data": [
{"type": "8","seq": "1"},
{"fixed_value": "","fixed_timestamp": "0x000000000001"}
} }
I want the final data uploaded to elastic to be as
_"timestamp" : "1315294917923", _
"layers" : {
"data": {"type": "8","seq": "1", "fixed_value": "","fixed_timestamp": "0x000000000001"
the "data" from a list is combined and converted as one Dict. Any input would be of great help