Running filebeat as a docker image

Hello all,

Currently I am trying to implement filebeat into an EC2 instance to do logshipping from this ec2 instance to another ec2 (that is the kafka's).

          Name: !Ref service
          Image: !Ref repoPath
          Memory: !Ref memoryApp
            - ContainerPort: !Ref port
            - Name: JAVA_GC_OPTS
              Value: !Ref jvmFlags
            - Name: JAVA_XMX
              Value: !Ref javaXmx
            - Name: JAVA_XMS
              Value: !Ref javaXms
            LogDriver: awslogs
              awslogs-group: !Ref logGroup
              awslogs-region: !Ref AWS::Region
        - !If
          - needLogger
          - Name: !Sub ${service}-filebeat
            Image: !Ref pathToLogger
            Memory: 512
              - Name: output.kafka.hosts
                Value: '["","",""]'
              - Name: output.kafka.topic
                Value: !Sub preprocess.splunk.${service}
              - Name: filebeats.inputs.paths
                Value: /app/logs/*
              - ReadOnly: true
                SourceContainer: !Ref service
              LogDriver: awslogs
                awslogs-group: !Ref logGroup
                awslogs-region: !Ref AWS::Region
          - Ref: AWS::NoValue

Is there alternative methods to state the logs location and outputs for filebeat? I read the documentations that we should use the filebeat.yml, but I am looking for a more generic way to give these inputs instead of having to config a filebeat.yml for each of our services using this template

I guess another way to do this is to build a new entry point using filebeat as a base image?

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