I've added --debug to the the rc options and get
{:timestamp=>"2015-12-01T10:26:16.175000+0000", :message=>"Starting Beats input listener", :address=>"", :level=>:info}
{:timestamp=>"2015-12-01T10:26:16.182000+0000", :message=>"The error reported is: \n Address already in use - bind - Address already in use"}
{:timestamp=>"2015-12-01T10:32:41.773000+0000", :message=>"Reading config file", :config_file=>"/etc/logstash/conf.d/beat.conf", :level=>:debug, :file=>"logstash/agent.rb", :line=>"325", :method=>"local_config"}
so it wont run as a service.....
there is only one file in conf.d...and it runs fine from the command line...
do I need to specify the machines fqn in the beats input?