S3 connection with logstash file |||||I get a input from S3 bucket in my Logstash .conf files

In one of .conf file i received No files found is s3 bucket . So is this is error of my connection with S3 bucket is wrong.

How i can check this that is problem is their or not ?

var/log/logstash Logs

[2022-02-18T16:26:42,478][INFO ][logstash.inputs.s3 ] S3 input: No files found in bucket {:prefix=>"production/devicestatus/pinpad/rbi_"}
[2022-02-18T16:26:45,614][INFO ][logstash.inputs.s3 ] S3 input: No files found in bucket {:prefix=>"production/devicestatus/pos-fp/rbi_"}
[2022-02-18T16:26:50,366][INFO ][logstash.inputs.s3 ] S3 input: No files found in bucket {:prefix=>"production/pos/qst"}
[2022-02-18T16:26:57,966][INFO ][logstash.inputs.s3 ] S3 input: No files found in bucket {:prefix=>"production/pos_daily/ls.s3"}
[2022-02-18T16:26:59,419][INFO ][logstash.inputs.s3 ] S3 input: No files found in bucket {:prefix=>"VHQ"}
[2022-02-18T16:27:00,669][INFO ][logstash.inputs.s3 ] S3 input: No files found in bucket {:prefix=>"production/pos/POSHealth_TH_AllStores"}
[2022-02-18T16:27:12,491][INFO ][logstash.inputs.s3 ] S3 input: No files found in bucket {:prefix=>"production/devicestatus/pinpad/rbi_"}

.conf file

input {
s3 {
bucket => "XYZ"

access_key_id => "${ACCESS}"

secret_access_key => "${SECRET}"

interval => 7200

sincedb_path => "/dev/null"

include_object_properties => true
delete => true
prefix => "production/pos_daily/ls.s3"
add_field => { "vendor" => "SICOM"}


This message means that there are no files in the specified bucket.

Your connection with S3 is working, just there are no files in the specified path.

If it was a connection error you would get an ERROR log, not an INFO log.

Also, you have other configs running, right?

The input you shared has the following prefix:

prefix => "production/pos_daily/ls.s3"

This will make logstash look for the fils that start with that prefix, but your log is showing that logstash is looking for files with other prefix, this means that you have other configs running.

Ok Leand ,

I checked in the s3 bucket and there are no file present now .

Thanks for response.

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