Send file with logstash output plugin

I'm trying to send a .json file from a pc to another with logstash.
This is the configuration of sender:

input {

file {
    path => "/var/log/event.json"
    sincedb_path => "/var/log/sincedb/.sincedb_test"
    start_position => "beginning"
    codec => json


filter {

output {

        tcp {
           host => ""
           port => "1111"

And this is the receiver:

input {
  tcp {
    id => "id_1"
    port => 1111


filter {
output {
  file {
   path => "/var/log/event.json"

With the above configuration no file are written on path "/var/log/"
I disabled both firewall and with tcpdump I see packets sent and received.

Furthermore if in the receiver machine I configure a second config file with different input file and output to elasticsearch , a /var/log/event.json is created with content data of the input of the second config file.

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