Separate Filebeat container vs Filebeat on every container architectural decision

In a micro-service architecture, I am trying to decide between the two architectures:

  1. Installing file beat on every container
  2. Run a separate file beat container

The official documentation suggests to install filebeat on every machine, however there is also on option to run a separater filebeat container, that will be responsible to ship the log files from the rest of the containers. From these two options, I prefer the second one which I find it cleaner. Any ideas on this topic, will help me understand the pros/cons of each of the two architectures.
Thank you!

This has been cleared out as the word "system" referred to the official documentation means "machine" and "container". Consequently, there is no architectural decision at all. The filebeat has to be on every system, which means on every machine and the installation options are the following two:

  1. Direct installation of filebeat on the host
  2. Run filebeat in a separate container

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